Airsoft Should You Wear a Cup

Airsoft Should You Wear a Cup



CZ believes that safety and fun are intertwined as well every bit being the well-nigh important aspects to the sport and hobby of Airsoft. We believe that honorable and enjoyable games are the best ways to accelerate the globe of Airsoft. Earlier you are the field rules and regulations for CZ Airsoft for your safety. Please obey the law, use common sense, play safe and help us keep Airsoft fun and great for everyone.

  • Play safe, Play responsible and Play respectable.
  • Brandishing is illegal. Airsoft guns should never be taken out into public areas.
  • These are Field-Specific Rules that will be required by all participants playing on the CZ Airsoft Field.

Rule 1.

If in doubt ask a CZ Staff Member or Officer

In a system to promote fair and safe play CZ has adopted a "Strike System" currently beingness instituted on other airsoft fields. Any player's infraction of policy, rules, prophylactic or conduct issues will be identified by CZ Field Marshall's and recorded at the Command and Control Point. Infractions of severity will be dealt with immediately. All infractions will be recorded as a "strike" and held on file until the cease of the year and noted for historical referencing.

  • Get-go Strike – removed from current game
  • Second Strike – removed from play for either the AM or PM session
  • 3rd Strike – removed from event and banned for iii months with a half-dozen month probation.
  • Quaternary Strike (Probation violation) permanent expulsion

All players are asked to have a player waiver completed prior to stepping onto the field.

To obtain ane either write or download it from the briefing room

In the staging area, parking surface area or any place not designated a fire zone; ALL WEAPONS will exist unloaded, on safe and a barrel-blocking device (BBD, aka "Barrel Sock") is required for all carried weapons. Otherwise all weapons are to be in a holster, gun bag or container.

  • Required by all players are full-seal rubber-rated lensed eye protection that meets the ANSI z.87.1 standard with eyewear retainer system (caput band).

Note: the particular style must fully cup your eye area, so as non to have gaps assuasive bb penetration.

  • Safe glasses are non allowed.
  • Mesh goggles or eye covering will non be allowed without a lensed protection over the eye itself just a total lensed goggle with a full seal is the preferred prophylactic equipment. Regular glasses or safety glasses may be worn underneath but non as the principal safety element.

Annotation: Shards from bb'southward tin can consequence from touch to mesh protection and may not provide adequate protection; CZ therefore, recommends goggles with a full seal around the eyes.

  • Those wearing eyeglasses may non "STACK" safety glasses over the top of prescription glasses.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is still possible to have injuries while using condom equipment.

Nether 12

Crave Helmet/full-face mask system, providing full-seal lensed heart protection with attached nose, mouth, and ear protection.

IMPORTANT Notation: It is still possible to accept injuries while using prophylactic equipment.

13, xiv, and 15 year-olds:

Require total-face up protective gear, providing full-seal lensed eye protection with attached olfactory organ, mouth protection.

IMPORTANT Notation: It is nonetheless possible to have injuries while using safety equipment.

sixteen and 17 year-olds:

Nosotros recommend total-face protective gear.

Minimum requirements are:

  • Full-seal safety-rated eye protection that meets ANSI z.87.1 standards with eyewear servant system (Notation: the item style must fully cup your centre expanse, and then equally not to have gaps allowing bb penetration). We reserve the right to deny unsafe eye protection.
  • Full Face mask to cover the nose, ears and cheek areas. Total seal mesh goggle system may be worn as long as there is eye lensed protection under the goggle.
  • Lower total-face protection to nose, mouth, and ears, such as the MATRIX GENERATION II MESH.

This only meets minimum requirements. Parents will be required to read our safety recommendations, and hold to exist responsible if their pocket-size violates their parent'southward wishes, or if a parent allows only the minimum requirement.

IMPORTANT Annotation: It is still possible to have injuries while using safety equipment.

​18 years old and upwards:

Over again, CZ recommends total-face protective gear.

Minimum requirements are total-seal safety-rated eye protection that meets ANSI z.87.ane standards with eyewear servant system (Note: the particular style must fully loving cup your middle area, then as not to have gaps allowing bb penetration) or total seal mesh goggle system with eye lensed protection under the goggle. We reserve the correct to deny ANY eye protection if accounted unsafe past CZ staff at any time.

In addition, it is highly brash that players use a mouth-guard, balaclava, shemagh, scarf or mesh organization be worn over the mouth at ALL TIMES on the playing field.

This merely meets minimum requirements.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is withal possible to have injuries while using safety equipment.

All airsoft guns volition exist chronographed regularly before every CZ consequence past staff and marked equally checked prior to entering the field. Players will exist checked randomly during the day by refs and staff.

Feet PER 2nd (FPS) / Joules (j) LIMITATIONS:

ALL AEGs will be chronographed using .20g BIO bbs and ALL HPAs will exist chronographed using .32g Bio bbs.

​Pistols / shotguns

  • MAX 350 – 399 fps / 1.49 J
  • 15ft MED

​SMG / Assault Rifles / LMGs

  • Max 300 – 400 fps / ane.64 J
  • 15ft MED
  • Full AUTO 50 ft MED


  • MAX 401 – 449 fps / i.88 J
  • 50ft MED


  • MAX 350 – 420 fps / 1.88 J
  • 75 ft MED
  • Ammo limit to .28g


  • MAX 450 – 500 2.81J
  • 100 ft MED (let's face it. Unless you are at or more than 300 ft you should actually use a DMR or SMG)

​Green Record

  • 15ft MED
  • UP TO 400 fps / one.64 J

​Yellowish Tape

  • 401-420 fps / 1.65J – 1.88 J

​White Record

  • 75 ft MED (MMG and Sniper only)
  • 421 – 450 fps /b1.65J – 1.88J

​Carmine Record

  • 100ft MED (Sniper just)
  • 451 – 500 fps / 1.88J – 2.81J

​DMR Course – mechanically semi- locked
HPA Chrono with minimum .32g Bbs
MMG class – PKM, M240, M60, long activeness…. vii.62×54 Russian or 7.62×51 NATO replicas
LMG class – M249, Krytac lmg, RPK, Stoner, etc… 5.56 / 7.62×39 replicas

​ALL DRUM MAGS Come across STAFF, certain events pulsate mags LMG/MMG form only

Questions regarding Chrono and weapon classes consult Staff.

​What does all this actually mean? If y'all weapon is not under the cap it will not be allowed on the field. it is worded as nether not exact or close to it.


No weapon may shoot over 25 rounds per second

​All airsoft guns volition exist chronographed regularly before every CZ consequence by staff and marked as checked prior to entering the field. Players will be checked randomly during the twenty-four hours past refs and staff.

HPA Class Restrictions:

Players using HPA weapons must exist either 18 years or older or take a parent or legal guardian at CZ.

All weapons must have lockable air tank valves (Tournament Locks Preferred) to preclude joule creep. For weapons that are unable to be accept their regulators locked, their systems will be restricted to a 300fps/1.80j setting and be inspected periodically throughout the day. Any violation of valve settings tin result in the ban of equipment and possible the actor depending on the severity of the issue occurring.

DMR course weapons are restricted to a single burn simply way. Preferred to be semi-locked. All DMRs will be marked every bit such with a magazines tin exist either a low or mid cap with NO ammo higher up .32g. Optics are permissible. Any designated DMR firing full automobile or flare-up will be removed from the field.

This weapon course is restricted to single shot just. Not semi-car. NO ammo in a higher place .32g is allowed unless approval from a field official is given at the fourth dimension of check in.

However, information technology is understood that with the difficulty of sure objectives information technology may exist benign to utilise a better weight or class of bb. Players are to clear these heavier ammo weights over 0.32g with the field condom officer before game play and will exist restricted to a minimum 100ft appointment. Each sniper will exist a instance by instance determination. For each weight grade over .32g an additional 15 feet can be assigned and weapon marked at the discretion of the field safety officer.

Drum magazines will be considered a LMG and for MilSim games may exist required to have a two man squad to operate.

NO ammo higher up .28g is allowed. ​No date within 75 ft is allowed for contact while using a MG. No breaching with a MG as contact will be within the minimum engagement distance. Automobile guns are support elements and require a 2 man rule for deployment. Special situations or scenarios may change this dominion as the situation dictates. MGs typically require a ii homo team. For MilSim games this dominion will be strongly enforced.

Only Biodegradable (BIO) Bbs are allowed for use at all CZ events. CZ Reserves the right to randomly spot check any player's ammo before, during and afterward play. Ammo weight brake is .32g for all rifles and pistols, however, players clearing it with the Operations and Prophylactic Officeholder at CZ may get approval for heavier class bbs for Sniper and DMR course equipment.

All areas earlier the Fire Zone (designated by a boundary marker) are considered to exist a no-burn zone. All airsoft weapons will be unloaded, placed on safe with a butt block cover while in this area. There will be designated exam-firing and chronograph areas at the entry signal of the field. Center protection must exist worn when outside of all no-fire zones.

All borders and boundaries regarding rubber and playing areas will be clearly explained and identified during the event rubber briefing. Players leaving the designated field boundaries volition exist bailiwick to any local, county and federal legal adjudication as they may utilise to an individual in full accordance of the local and federal laws.

ALL ENGAGEMENTS Within 15FT are considered either the "Bang Bang" rule or "Safety Kill". Nevertheless, should a actor try to escape or endeavour to channel their inner "Jason Bourne" instead of accepting the hitting and courtesy call, this situation at present becomes a limited engagement. The defending thespian now chooses to accept the risk of injury by proceeding. Both Aggressing and Defending actor are limited to single fire only and are asked to attempt and avoid head and groin shots if at all possible. If a Referee makes the call for a hit to either player the state of affairs is over and ruled on the spot. Should a Referee not exist bachelor players are reminded to keep it professional because this is going to hurt. Use common sense and take the hit as well every bit announcing the drop on a actor. Intentional blind fire will non be tolerated.

REMINDER: Single shot simply at this range. Violators volition be removed from play and possibly the field.

ALL ENGAGEMENTS WITHIN 15FT are to be "Single Fire" just. Violators volition be removed from play and peradventure the field.

Shield Utilize Policy and Rules for CZ Events:

We all know that it is great to have something to hide behind or utilise a bulwark to proceeds a tactical advantage in a scenario but recently the utilize of shields have taken on a very different and sometimes negative vibe. Then, to help put all this to bed CZ is going to accept a very singled-out Shield Rules and Policy to make it off-white, fun and nonetheless keeping it to an effect of realism. We have broken down two types of shields in use for consideration: Dwelling house Fabricated and Store Bought.

I encourage you to review this video to assist you better understand what the real globe application(s) are of using a shield.

Click Hither for a Quick Video to Limited the Point

​To Shield or Not to Shield:

Nosotros understand that there are a few that accept either spent good money to purchase or construct a shield to use a type of ballistic barrier. These faux ballistic shields tin he used for (S.West.A.T.) security or policing scenarios. These shields should non be intended for forrard operating or simulated a combat aggressing such as patrols or open field missions. For the majority of scenarios executed hither for CZ shields will not be needed.

​Shields can be utilized under these rules:

  • If at that place are two or more shields in play on the field they shall be every bit divided upon the teams in the given scenario.
    • If simply i shield is in play it will be at the discretion of the Lead Referee to brand the call if it is an allowable element to the given scenario.
    • Defensive, Breaching, Guarding, HVT are all scenario types shields tin can be used for.
  • Shields may be utilized as a bunker of defense to hide backside until the paper-thin barrier wears out. They are designed to provide an unfair advantage confronting the enemy and should be used as such in the advisable settings. If utilizing the shield as a protective barrier or whatever other portable barrier system and placed on the ground the shield has ninety seconds to move at least v anxiety.
    • Beingness pinned down nether constant burn down from multiple shooters is an exception to this dominion. Should a shield be used in a barrier mode while nether burn and is unable to move forward for more than than 5 minutes must retreat to a condom location.
    • Shields may be picked up by other players and used should the bearer go down. However, the assault and defense rules apply and only a pistol may exist utilized. If the shield is disabled no player may use it until information technology is repaired.
  • To use equally an offensive barrier the shield must exist off the ground at to the lowest degree three inches with no artificial back up while the use fires from backside while looking through the peep hole. In other words, NO Blind FIRING. Likewise whatsoever role player hit from a shield bearer and so long every bit they are in control and looking through the shield is a good striking.
    • If the user blind fires from behind the shield those hits achieved are null.
  • Shields tin accept a holder and an banana to act equally a gunner using an AEG from backside so long as the shield is operational. Once the protective barrier is penetrated the shield is disabled.
  • Shields volition have no defence confronting false armor elements, air set on, grenades or mortar attacks
  • Shield bearers may but be armed with a pistol while utilizing a shield. They may accept an AEG on their person in a slung position but may non use it unless the shield is either disabled or discarded.
  • Shields are non to be used to barricade or block access to doors or windows within the frame. They can be recessed to provide boosted comprehend as described in the shield use rules.

Shield Requirements: Manus Fabricated

  • Minimum weight xv* lbs.
    • Every 10 lbs. extra gains the shield an reward
  • No more than 36" tall Ten 24" broad for Typical Ballistic Shield as seen in Fig i.
    • Fig 2 depicts man-Shaped Ballistic Shield configuration in the same ratios.
Fig one
Fig 2
  • Accept a porthole to view through at to the lowest degree v" X 16" (for human being shaped shields the viewing hole needs to exist accommodating to eighty cubic inches (5×16=eighty)
  • Accept a center cutting section that is 15" Ten xv" that can hold a single sail of non-coated cardboard Tin can exist applied to front or dorsum of shield
    • 15 lbs. = 1 sheet paper-thin and for additional ten lbs. one more sheet of cardboard is added. (15 lbs. =one sail; 35 lbs. = three sheets)
  • Shields may exist larger so long as the weight requirements are met and should the shield exist taller or wider than the dimensions described the paper-thin plate must be adjusted in accordance and will never be any smaller than 15 inches square. ​
  • ​Shields can be bigger and then long equally the "ballistic" plate is resized in proportion.
    • Adding 1 inch of width or height equals adding to the width or height of the plate by one.5 inches in relevance.
    • Example: 38×24 would increase the paper-thin plate to 17×15; twoscore×40 increases the cardboard plate to 19×21
  • Un-coated cardboard used to simulate "ballistic plates" shall simulate the stability and stamina of the shield for each sail of paper-thin. Un-coated means having no substance of reinforcement to the cloth's integrity. As ballistic shields have tremendous weight and in keeping with the realism of airsoft every sheet of cardboard added will simulate a level of protection in conjunction with the relative weight of using it.
  • Shields can be respawned then long as it is repaired at the respawn bespeak. Shields may not repaired until a breach is achieved in the shielding. Players may stage additional "ballistic" plates at their respective respawn points

​Shield Requirements: Shop Bought

​This version of CQB Riot Shield is perfect for Camera Crews, Close Quarters Battle (CQB) Airsoft Simulations. Let's highlight the wording of Photographic camera Crews and CQB . We are not encouraging everyone to use this shield for mil-sim, but at times, it is NECESSARY select mil-sim scenarios. Non ALL OF THEM.

  • ​If buy one nosotros are not asking you to destroy your shield to utilise these rules equally described above simply are going to crave you to design a method to apply some modifications to be at the same advantages/disadvantages equally the shield types listed above.
    • The shield must weigh fifteen lbs. past attaching some version of weight .
    • A spacer must be made tot he front to allow for the two 7″x15″ cardboard plates (Fig 4) to be used or:
    • v dirt pigeons fastened to the shield (ii in the top, 1 middle and two on the bottom ) equally shown in Fig 3 to identify when the shield is disabled when a single pigeon is cleaved.
Fig 3
Fig 4
Fig v

​Shields are cumbersome and merely used in select situations primarily past constabulary enforcement personnel and non military members.

CZ has a responsibility to promote the safety for all participants, observers and associations of CZ Airsoft. The following items are strictly prohibited; anyone found conveying any of these items is bailiwick to ejection from the field:

  • ​Alcohol
  • Firearms and Alive Ammunition
  • Whatever blade longer than 4 inches
  • Mace, Pepper Spray or other course of chemical weapons
  • Improvised Airsoft Grenades, Mines, or other Explosives
  • Incendiary Devices (Fireworks, Mil-form Smoke Bombs, Flash bangs etc.)

Airsoft Should You Wear a Cup

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